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Using Tarot Cards to Attract Love - How to Create a Love Spell with Tarot

This article explores the concept of using Tarot Cards to create a love spell that can help you attract love and deepen your connection with your partner.

Tarot cards have been used for centuries as a tool for divination, self-reflection, and personal growth. They are also believed to have the power to influence and manifest the energy around us, making them a popular choice for casting spells and rituals. One way to use Tarot Cards for spellcasting is to create a love spell that can help you attract your ideal partner and deepen the connection with your current partner.

In this article, we will explore the concept of using Tarot Cards to attract love, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to create a love spell using Tarot Cards. Remember, this spell is intended for personal use only and should not be used to manipulate or harm others. Always use Tarot Cards and any other spiritual tools with caution and respect.

What is a Love Spell?

A love spell is a ritual or ceremony performed with the intention of attracting love, romance, and affection into your life. Love spells can be cast for various reasons, such as finding your soulmate, strengthening your current relationship, or healing from a past relationship. Love spells can involve different methods and tools, such as candles, herbs, crystals, and Tarot Cards. They can be performed alone or with a group, and can be adapted to suit your personal beliefs and preferences.

Using Tarot Cards for Love Spells

Tarot Cards are a powerful tool for spellcasting, as each card represents a specific energy, archetype, or aspect of the human experience. When used in a love spell, Tarot Cards can help you focus your intention, visualize your desired outcome, and tap into the energy of love and attraction. Here are some steps on how to create a love spell using Tarot Cards:

Step 1: Set Your Intention

Before casting a love spell with Tarot Cards, it is important to clarify your intention and be clear about what you want to manifest in your love life. Take some time to reflect on your desires, values, and goals, and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What kind of love and relationship do I want to attract?
  • What qualities and traits do I value in a partner?
  • What are my intentions for this love spell? Write down your answers in a journal or piece of paper, and use them as a guide for selecting Tarot Cards that resonate with your intention.

Step 2: Choose Your Tarot Cards

Selecting Tarot Cards for a love spell can be a fun and creative process. You can choose cards based on their traditional meanings, symbolism, color, or personal connection. Here are some Tarot Cards that are commonly associated with love and relationships:

  • The Lovers: This card represents harmony, union, and deep connection. It can be used to attract a soulmate or deepen the bond with your current partner.
  • The Empress: This card represents nurturing, abundance, and sensuality. It can be used to attract a partner who values intimacy, beauty, and pleasure.
  • The Emperor: This card represents stability, protection, and strength. It can be used to attract a partner who values security, leadership, and responsibility.
  • The Two of Cups: This card represents partnership, love, and balance. It can be used to attract a partner who shares your values and vision for a relationship.
  • The Ten of Cups: This card represents joy, fulfillment and harmony in relationships. It can be used to manifest a happy and loving relationship with your partner or attract a partner who shares your vision for a fulfilling life together.
  • The Ace of Cups: This card represents emotional renewal, spiritual awakening, and love. It can be used to open your heart and attract a partner who resonates with your emotional and spiritual needs. Feel free to use these cards as a starting point, or select other cards that resonate with your intention and goals.

Step 3: Cleanse and Charge Your Tarot Cards

Before using your Tarot Cards for a love spell, it is important to cleanse and charge them to remove any negative or stagnant energy and infuse them with positive and loving vibrations. Here are some ways to cleanse and charge your Tarot Cards:

  • Smudging: Light some sage, palo santo, or incense and pass your Tarot Cards through the smoke to purify them.
  • Crystal charging: Place your Tarot Cards on a crystal such as clear quartz, rose quartz, or amethyst, and visualize the crystal absorbing any negativity and filling the cards with love and light.
  • Moonlight cleansing: Place your Tarot Cards under the light of the full moon or new moon and visualize the moon energy purifying and revitalizing them.

Step 4: Set up Your Space

Creating a sacred and supportive space for your love spell can enhance the effectiveness and clarity of your intention. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus on your Tarot Cards and your intention without distractions. You can light candles, play soft music, or use any other tools that help you relax and tune into your intuition.

Step 5: Shuffle and Draw Your Tarot Cards

Once you have set up your space and cleared your Tarot Cards, it's time to shuffle and draw them for your love spell. Hold your intention in your mind and heart, and shuffle your Tarot Cards until you feel called to stop. Draw the number of cards that feel right to you, depending on your intention and the spread you want to use.

Step 6: Interpret Your Tarot Cards

Interpreting your Tarot Cards is a key part of any love spell. Take some time to study each card and its traditional meanings, as well as the intuition and insights that arise for you. Pay attention to the colors, symbols, and imagery on each card, and see how they relate to your intention and question. You can use your intuition, your knowledge of Tarot, or a Tarot guidebook to interpret your cards.

Step 7: Visualize Your Desired Outcome

After you have interpreted your Tarot Cards, take some time to visualize your desired outcome and embody the feelings and emotions that come with it. Imagine yourself in a loving and fulfilling relationship with your partner, and feel the joy, love, and gratitude that come with it. Use your Tarot Cards as a tool to anchor this visualization and infuse it with even more power and energy.

Step 8: Close the Spell

Once you have visualized your desired outcome, take some time to thank the universe, the Tarot Cards, and any other spiritual forces that have supported you in this love spell. You can blow out the candles, return the Tarot Cards to their box, or any other closing ritual that feels right to you.


Using Tarot Cards to attract love can be a powerful and effective way to manifest your desires and deepen your connection with your partner. By setting your intention, choosing your Tarot Cards, cleansing and charging them, setting up your space, shuffling and drawing your cards, interpreting them, visualizing your desired outcome, and closing the spell, you can tap into the energy of love and attraction and create the relationship you want. Remember to use this spell with caution, respect, and ethical considerations, and always seek professional advice and support if you need it.

As with any form of magic or spiritual practice, it is important to remember that your intentions, energy, and actions have consequences and can impact yourself and others. Therefore, before casting a love spell with Tarot Cards or any other tool, make sure you are grounded, centered, and aligned with your highest good and the good of all involved.

You can also use Tarot Cards as a tool for self-reflection, healing, and personal growth, which can indirectly enhance your love life and relationships. By working with Tarot Cards regularly, you can gain insights into your beliefs, patterns, and behaviors around love and relationships, and make positive changes that align with your authentic self and values.

In conclusion, using Tarot Cards to attract love and create a love spell is a creative, intuitive, and empowering way to manifest your desires and deepen your connection with yourself and others. Whether you are looking for your soulmate, seeking to improve your current relationship, or healing from a past one, Tarot Cards can be a valuable tool for your journey of love and self-discovery.

For todays reading we will be focusing our intentions on the question, "What message does the tarot have for me regarding my love life at this moment?"

Card 1: The Lovers


The Lovers card suggests that you are currently experiencing a deep connection and harmony in your love life. This could be a sign that you are in a loving and committed relationship or that you are open to receiving love and forming a meaningful connection with someone. The Lovers card also represents the balance of masculine and feminine energies, indicating that you may be embracing your own inner wholeness and embracing the qualities of your partner that complement your own.

Card 2: The Four of Cups


The Four of Cups suggests that you may be feeling disillusioned or bored with your current love life. You may be focusing too much on what is lacking or missing, instead of appreciating what you already have. The card encourages you to take a step back and reflect on what you truly want in a relationship and how you can bring more love and joy into your life. It could also indicate that you may be missing opportunities for love or ignoring potential partners who are right in front of you.

Card 3: The Six of Pentacles


The Six of Pentacles suggests that you may be experiencing a sense of generosity and abundance in your love life. You may be giving and receiving love freely, or you may be attracting partners who are generous, supportive, and caring. This card also suggests that you may be in a position to help others with your love and wisdom, and that your actions and intentions are aligned with your highest good and the good of all involved.

Overall, this reading suggests that you are experiencing a sense of harmony and balance in your love life, but that you may also be feeling dissatisfied or bored with the status quo. The cards encourage you to reflect on what you truly want in a relationship and how you can bring more love and joy into your life. You may also be in a position to help others with your love and wisdom, and to attract partners who share your values and vision for a relationship.

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